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How Marijuana Is Good For Nerve Pain

Take Care of Your Health With Marijuana

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Nerve pain is becoming more common as we age. Also called neuropathic pain or neuralgia, nerve pain is the result of a lack of blood flow to the heart and occurs when a condition affects the nerves carrying sensation to the brain. This can happen after you’ve had shingles, in the jaw or cheek, at the base of your skull to the back of the head, and in the ‘saddle area’ between the legs. It often feels like a stabbing or burning sensation or a sharp and sudden electric shock. People who experience nerve pain are sensitive to hot or cold and it often interferes with the important part of their everyday lives, resulting in becoming angry, frustrated, or having anxiety and depression.

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Nerve pain is very difficult to treat that even non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are often becoming ineffective. Patients are usually forced to use strong medication such as opioids which unfortunately can further mental health problems and leads to dependency. The good news is that marijuana is now becoming popular as an alternative medical option for treating nerve pain. Now it is legal in most of the countries with marijuana delivery service at your door. Cannabis is considered to be less dangerous than other treatments such as opioids, and it is less addictive and only requires a lower dosage.

The legalization of cannabis in some states and countries has many wondering if it is indeed a good option for pain relief. Studies suggest that marijuana may be effective for nerve pain but does the earlier evidence stand up to its gained reputation, or the pain-relieving properties are all just flim-flam and half-baked?

Research Into Marijuana For Nerve Pain

While a lot is still needed to prove the effectiveness of marijuana in treating nerve pain, what presented so far looks to be promising. The Journal of Pain conducted a study in 2013 and found that cannabis produced significant pain reduction in people with neuropathic pain and nerve pain associated with HIV patients. They found that there was thirty percent pain reduction for HIV patients from cannabis compared to those taking a placebo.

Researchers also examined twenty-seven studies for the review of research between chronic nerve pain and marijuana. They determined that there’s “low strength” evidence of marijuana helping nerve pain but there are not enough findings to conclude that marijuana is useful for other types of pain.

According to a study published in the September issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, marijuana provides pain relief by reducing connections between the areas of the brain that process emotions and sensory signals. The study involved 15 men with chronic radicular nerve pain for over six months. They underwent functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and their pain levels were rated before given the THC treatment. For the first visit, nine men were given 15 mg of THC oil placed under the tongue and six men were given placebo oil. Women were excluded due to hormone fluctuations during menstruation which may affect pain sensitivity. One hour after, men were questioned and underwent another brain scan after two hours of treatment. One week later, participants returned for a second visit and those who had a placebo now gets the treatment and vice versa.

Before taking the medication, on a scale of zero to 100, an average participant's pain level is at 53. After the treatment, participants who took the THC oil rated their pain levels at an average of 35 compared to those who were given the placebo, who only rated at 43.

So How Exactly Does Marijuana Work to Relieve Nerve Pain?

The answer lies in the way it acts reciprocally into our endocannabinoid system. Our endocannabinoid system plays an important role in regulating homeostasis and neuroplasticity of our central nervous system. Our own body itself produces endocannabinoids which act as a circuit breaker to reduce pain and works to modulate pain transmission in our nerve pathways.

Neurons can become more reactive after a nerve injury, which causes a series of events leading to the development of painful nerve endings. CBD or cannabinoids from cannabis reduce nerve pain by changing these cellular functions. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD activate CB1 and CB2 receptors and help regulate neurotransmitters and the central nervous system, which results in reducing pain. THC and CBD plays a role in the endorphin system by making the pain less intense by reducing the patient’s perception of pain. THC alters pain perception while CBD has anti-inflammatory effects. However, not just THC and CBD but also other cannabinoids and terpenes have analgesic properties. The term “entourage effect” is used to describe when all occurring cannabinoids and other cannabis compounds work together and make a synergy for a healthy and effective approach.

Why is there Lacking Research on Medical Marijuana?
According to Paul Armentano, deputy director of NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws), much of the lack of research has to do with the difficulty of accessing marijuana and funding for clinical studies. Some anti-pot laws have greatly prevented researchers’ ability to conduct large-scale and continuous clinical trials that are typically approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. He also said that most clinical studies are done by pharmaceutical companies trying to introduce a drug to the market.

Is it Right For You?

Overall, there are existing quality researches around weed benefits for neuropathic pain but more research is needed to confirm. It’s important to note medical cannabis for nerve pain is not a cure, but a treatment. When the effect begins to fade, the nerve pain will return. In the meantime, cannabis may be a useful option for treatment-resistant people or those who fail to get relief from any established treatment medications. You may need to try and test different strains to find one that’s effectively suited to your needs. Your unique body chemistry also plays an important role in which works best. Talk to your doctor or medical provider to discuss your options and how medical cannabis might help your nerve pain. Today, many weed delivery services and dispensary around California is just one call away for your prescribed cannabis medication.